Whitwam Precision Components Ltd (WPC) specialise in subcontract CNC component manufacture to the Aerospace industry and currently produce around five thousand components for the aerospace industry every week.
Whitwam works “exclusively as a sub-contractor for larger suppliers within the Aerospace Industry”, they have supplied parts that have been supplied to Airbus, Boeing, Hawker Siddeley, Eclipse Aviation, AIM Engineering and Embraer.
"Due to the reliability of the machine we have not had the need to request support often…but support has always been excellent whenever it has been requested."
Planar P120.50
“InspecVision measuring process is between two and three times faster than the laser system, irrespective of component complexity.”
Chris Whitwam
Whitwam Precision Components Ltd
Especialistas en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de medida basados en visión artificial para aplicaciones industriales
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