Metal Solutions Inc. – 2D Sheet Metal Inspection

Metal Solutions Inc. is an American, family owned manufacturer of component parts for industries including mass transit, HVAC, lighting and refrigeration.

Significant growth in sales resulted in the company producing 75-125 new parts per week and manual inspection methods were no longer viable.

Investment in an InspecVision Planar 2D automated inspection machine has halved the time needed for setting up tools.

“The Planar is used daily during production, five days a week for five machines (2 Lasers and 3 Punch Presses) over two shifts. Approximately 200 different parts are inspected each day.”

Metal Solutions Inc. – 2D Sheet Metal Inspection logo

Robert Jay,. Quality Engineer, Metal Solutions, Inc

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New York, USA



“It increased our production efficiency by allowing the Laser and Punch operators verify the flat part as ‘correct’ and then run production immediately without having to tear down tools and setup a second time”

Robert Jay, Quality Engineer, Metal Solutions Inc.

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