Viscor is Canada’s largest independent LED lighting and metal fabrication manufacturer and home to the Visioneering, Certolux, TBR and Canflex brands. Their lighting brands specialise in architectural, commercial and medical luminaires with over 300 product families and tailored solutions.
The company purchased a Planar machine to improve accuracy and efficiency in production and benefited from instant time saving and reduction in operator error.
“Before using the InspecVision machine it would have required having a designated full time professional to inspect the parts thoroughly. With the InspecVision, the operators can check their own parts swiftly without compromising quality.”
“The InspecVision system gives us the ability to compare our First Off and Last Off output to real time digital CAD data.”
Santino Nemi, Chief Operating Officer, Viscor
Especialistas en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de medida basados en visión artificial para aplicaciones industriales
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